
The Bush Connection is an amazing, non-fiction, anti-Nazi, Holocaust Awareness, copyright protected history book that details the Bush Family's connection to Nazi war criminals, Adolph Hitler and the murder of Dr. Nikola Tesla.

The amazing Bush Connection book is available for sale as a Kindle for $9.99, a PDF for $19.99, as a Paperback for $29.99 & as an Audio Book for $14.99 on Amazon.com.

Please visit the BOOK STORE section of this website to order a copy.

Skorzeny & daughter #1. 1960's photo.

Hitler's giant, 6'4" bodyguard Commando: Otto Skorzeny faked his alleged death in 1975 & tells all at a recent death-bed confession! See 60 years worth of photos from Skorzeny's personal family photo albums.

Including photos & identities of Nazi C.I.A. Agents: George H. Scherff Jr. aka: George H.W. Bush, Josef Mengele, Reinhardt Gehlen, Alois Brunner, Walter Rauff, Frank Wisner Sr. & Adolph Hitler after his alleged suicide.

Former Nazi: Otto Skorzeny 1944 & Otto Skorzeny aka; C.I.A. Spook- "Big Ed." 1999 Boynton Beach, FL.


Skorzeny Helped Adolph Hitler Fake His Alleged Suicide!


A Hitler look-a-like was shot & burned by Skorzeny.




*Commando Otto Skorzeny was the most wanted man in Europe during WWII. However, after WWII Skorzeny was acquitted at the Nuremburg Trials & was NOT a wanted Nazi War Criminal. Skorzeny worked for the American O.S.S. & founded the CIA with WWI Hero: "Wild" Bill Donovan & Nazi; George H. Scherff Jr. aka: George H.W. Bush.


Otto Skorzeny was in charge of the United State's illegal Operation Paperclip which brought 1,000's of Nazis to America after WWII.

After WWII, Hitler along with his entire SS Gestapo merged with the American O.S.S. to form the C.I.A. in 1947.
The C.I.A. is Hitler's 4th Reich here in America. Any questions?


George H. Scherff Jr. aka: George H. Bush was a foreign born Nazi Spy for Hitler. He was the son of Tesla's illegal immigrant Austrian born accountant George H. Scherff Sr. The corrupt, rogue, good for nothing, piece of shit, Communist Secret Service, Communist FBI & Communist CIA knew that George H. Bush was a foreign born Nazi Spy but they let him become a U.S. President anyway. I say fuck you to the above Communist agencies that let George Bush become a U.S. President instead of arresting him for being a sabotaging Nazi Spy / killer. These above mentioned, so-called "American" agencies are a God Damn disgrace to America! Fuck you Communists!


The Communist C.I.A., Communist NSA & Communist LGBT filled F.B.I are all part of Hitler's Fourth Reich in America & Don't you forget it!

The amazing Bush Connection book is available for sale as a Kindle for $9.99, a PDF for $19.99 & as a paperback for $29.99 on Amazon.com.
Please visit the BOOK STORE section of this website to order a copy.



The sad truth for America & the World is that every United States President & World leader was/is a gay Communist Freemason faggot with a gay Communist Freemason transgender faggot man in a dress for a wife. Every god damn one of them including gay Communist Joe Biden. Jill Biden is a gay transgender Communist Freemason man faggot pretending to be a woman.

Political Matriarch; Rose Kennedy was a Communist Gay, Man-Tranny!

J.F.K. & R.F.K Were Both Communist Gay Freemason Faggots Married to Communist LGBT Man-Tranny Wives! Yes, Jackie & Ethel were both Freemason gay men pretending to be women like many others in politics.


*Notice Jack's bulging penis.


R.F.K. Jr. is a Communist LGBT Faggot Married to a pretty-face LGBT Man-tranny, Just Like His ex-Wife Mary Who he "Allegedly" Suicided to Avoid Paying Alimony.



China Joe Biden is Married to a Communist LGBT Man-Tranny;
Jill Biden. This is why America is being turned gay & transgender.


Communism, Homosexuality, Lesbianism & LGBT Transgenderism are all Forms of Mental Illness and Don't You Forget it!


The Communist World Economic Forum (WEF) New World Order Reset Leader; Klaus Schwab is a Communist Freemason LGBT faggot married to an ugly Communist LGBT Freemason man-tranny.


America Deserves Better, Much Better!



Hollywood, Washington D.C. & the C.I.A. controlled mass media have a gay, LGBT Communist WOKE, gun-free agenda for America. I say Fuck You to your gay Communist Woke agenda!


Communist Ohio Governor Dewine is really an ugly, gay, trans, mentally-ill, CIA/Freemason controlled bull dyke lesbian woman pretending to be a man! Mentally ill Dewine wants normal children to be gay and transgender just like her. Unfortunately, there are many other mentally ill Communist transgender elected officials in positions of power throughout America & the World.


LGBT man-tranny Lisa Ling gave birth to a bouncing rubber baby boy doll. Awe.

Question Reality! Just about everything you see on T.V.& the internet is a lie! CNN & Fox News are loaded with LGBT man-trannys.

Lisa Ling "allegedly" had to have a c-section birth, but as you can see here, she faked her alleged birth with a Chinese looking latex toy baby doll bought on Amazon.com. LGBT man-trannys like to use a fake pregnancy pillow & latex babies to fool the public. The mass media is in cahoots with their fake pregnancy scams!


To find out which Hollywood Celebrities faked their deaths & what their new identities are, buy a copy of my book: Celebrity Death Hoaxes Exposed!


It's available on Amazon.com as a Kindle for only $9.99. To buy a copy visit the bookstore section of this website or www.CelebrityDeathHoaxes.com


The Amazing Erik ORION Solves Another Famous Celebrity Death Mystery; The very handsome Hollywood Movie Actor / Legend: James Dean faked his infamous car crash death & became the beautiful Hollywood Starlet / Sexy Goddess: Ann Margret! Yes, Ann Margret is James Dean 100%.


You won't believe your own eyes' when you see the Hollywood "Hunk "James Dean transform
into the Hollywood Sexy Goddess: Ann Margret.

James Dean is Ann Margret or Ann Margret was James Dean. Hmmn?

Photos Don't Lie, Only People & Governments Do. Former Hollywood Starlet /Sex Symbol; Ann Margret is James Dean. Remember you heard about it first from me, the Amazing Erik ORION as always. Hollywood is all fake just like the news media & our U.S. Government. James Dean's Hollywood buddies' staged the car crash. James Dean did NOT die in a car crash, only his famous Hollywood name died.

Erik ORION is the self-proclaimed World's Greatest Unknown Inventor & Investigative Journalist. My discoveries' & high tech inventions are so amazing that the U.S. Government censors everything I do. Especially my Tesla Orgon Energy Transmitter. Hopefully, my latest amazing discovery will change all that...

Visit: www.CelebrityDeathHoaxes.com for information about more dead celebrities who faked their deaths!



The Gay, Communist Radicalized,Muslim Illegitimate former President Barry Obama is Married to an LGBT Man Michelle aka: Big Mike. Obama was born in Kenya, NOT America as the Constitution requires. Former President George HW Bush wasn't born in America either but no one cares.

Obama, Klaus Schwab & George Soros are the defacto Presidents of the United States.
Biden is just another "un-elected" puppet installed by the Communist C.I.A.


Michelle Obama is really a gay, pre-op transgender man pretending to be a woman like many others in politics
aka: "Big Mike" Robinson. For some reason the C.I.A. / Freemason controlled conservative mass media
won't admit this true LGBT fact to the World.


Michelle Obama is an ugly LGBT Man-Tranny aka: Big Mike, however the Communist C.I.A. controlled mass media refuses
to disclose this biological fact to the World. Hey, it's no secret Michelle has balls & a penis! Fuck you mass media.

michael-obama mike-obama

Michelle Obama is really a gay, pre-op transgender man pretending
to be a woman aka: "Big Mike" Robinson. For more information visit
the Fascist LGBT Politicians section.



The former Head of the Teachers Union; Randi Weingarten is really a very ugly, Communist, mentally-ill LGBT transgender man traitor pretending to be a woman like many other politicians. Communist LGBT man-tranny Weingarten is under the control of the Communist C.I.A./KGB. Fuck you Communist Weingarten & your Communist LGBT WOKE agenda.


This hideous swamp creature is really an ugly Communist, LGBT man-tranny Traitor from San Francisco just like Communist man-tranny Nancy Pelosi! Fuck You LGBT, Communist Man-Tranny's Feinstein & Pelosi. You Both Should Be In Prison For Treason You Mentally Ill Piece of Shit Communist Traitors! Feinstein is now dead. Yay! Rot in hell you communist LGBT transgender piece of shit traitor!


Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker is a fat, piece of shit Communist C.I.A. controlled Freemason, LGBT butch lesbian, bull-dyke woman with an ugly man face. Her wife is an ugly, fat piece of shit Communist C.I.A. Freemason man-tranny pretending to be a woman. Fuck you Communist J.B. Pritzker & every other Communist LGBT tranny in politics. America deserves better.


LGBT Transgenderism is a Mental Illness & Don't You Forget it!


Mentally Ill LGBT Man-Trannys Levine & Brinton are a God Damn Disgrace to America!
Fuck you mentally ill LGBT retards & your Communist LGBT anti-gun, Woke Agenda!




Janet Yellen aka: Old Yellow is an Ugly, Very Stupid, Insane, Mildly Retarded, Communist LGBT, Freemason Transgender Man-Tranny Controlled by the C.I.A. & K.G.B. With this Communist controlled stupid fucking idiot in charge of America's financial policies' America's economy is doomed for another planned "Depression." Fuck you Yellen & your Communist LGBT anti-gun, Woke Agenda!


LGBT Transgenderism is a Mental Illness & Don't You Forget That Fact!



Sarah Sanders Huckabee aka: "Meatloaf" is an Ugly, Very Stupid, Possibly Mildly Retarded, Communist LGBT, Freemason Transgender Man Controlled by the C.I.A. & KGB. Sarah was installed by the C.I.A.'s rigged Dominion electronic voting machines like Communist Joe Biden & most other Communist politicians around the World. I hate to say it but Trump did get screwed!

Sarah "Meatloaf" Sanders is a Stupid Fucking Idiot, Gay LGBT Man-Tranny & now he's a Governor? WTF?
Fuck you C.I.A. for installing Communist Man-Tranny Sanders as Governor.

LGBT Transgenderism, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Communism & Socialism, are all forms of mental illness. LGBT Transgenderism should be treated as a disability & not accepted as normal behavior by World Governments, the mass media, Hollywood & society!


Here's creeper Biden stairing at Rice's LGBT man cleavage. Yuck!

Susan Rice aka: Steven is an Ugly, Mentally Ill, Communist LGBT, Freemason Transgender Man
Controlled by the C.I.A. & KGB. Hey Rice, Fuck your Communist gay, Woke, anti-gun agenda.

LGBT Transgenderism, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Communism & Socialism, are all forms of mental illness.
LGBT Transgenderism should be treated as a disability & not accepted as normal behavior by World Governments,
the mass media, Hollywood & society!





6'9" Brit is a gay, mentally ill LGBT man with a penis!
He is NOT a woman & he should not be playing women's basketball!


LGBT Transgenderism, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Communism & Socialism, are all forms of mental illness! LGBT Transgenderism should be treated as a disability & not accepted as normal behavior by World Governments, the mass media, Hollywood & society!


Hey Man-Tranny Martin Navratilova, You're Busted!

martina2 martina1

Martina Navratilova aka: "Mad" Martin is an ugly, gay, LGBT-Q man-tranny woman "hater" formerly on steroids pretending to be a woman just like the Williams Sister / Brothers and many U.S. Politicians. Man-tranny Mad Martin Navratilova fooled the entire World for years except me & made millions of dollars by pretending to be a woman just like the Williams Sister / Brothers.

The Communist LGBT C.I.A. controlled media & the World Tennis Federation refuse to disclose this biological fact to the World which gives these ugly, super strong man-trannies a huge advantage against their natural born woman competitors!

*Hey Martin Navratilova & the Williams Sister / Brothers: Vinnie & Steve; you are piece of shit, ugly gay man-tranny women haters with an unfair strength advantage. All of your victories' should be nullified & you should return all of your illegal winning's to your female competitors that you unfairly beat.


Gay, LGBT Man-Tranny Tennis Cheaters!

LGBT Man-trannies on or off steroids should NOT be allowed to play against natural born women in any sporting event!


I'm accusing the Williams Sister/Brothers of being gay, LGBT transgender men on steroids pretending to be women.
Obviously the gay black muscle-bound brothers have an enormous strength advantage over the women they illegally
compete against & therefore should not be playing women's tennis. The Williams Sister/Brothers have penises!

These transgender men should be playing men's tennis not women's! Serena faked her pregnancy with a pillow
& a rubber baby bought on Amazon.com. Hey Williams Sister/Brothers, If I'm wrong, then sue
me for slander & let's let a Judge decide if you are natural born women or not. "Not."

LGBT Transgenderism, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Communism & Socialism, are all forms of mental illness.
LGBT Transgenderism should be treated as a disability & not accepted as normal behavior by World Governments,
the mass media, Hollywood & society!


President Donald Trump, Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump & the deceased Ivana Trump were/are Russian assets under the control of the KGB!


Donald Trump is a dual-citizen of Russia with a secret Russian passport but the C.I.A. controlled mainstream media won't disclose that fact.


Jared Kushner is really an ugly Russian Cossack LGBT
woman KGB spy with a man's face.


Jared Kushner is really an ugly Russian Cossack LGBT woman KGB spy with a man's face. The Fascist, good for nothing, cowardly LGBTQ filled F.B.I., C.I.A. & Secret Service know this is true but they are under Putin's command too, so they won't do anything about it. These rogue agencies are a god damn disgrace to America.


Jared Kushner is really an ugly Russian Cossack LGBT woman KGB spy with a man's face.


Jared Kushner is really an ugly Russian Cossack LGBT woman KGB spy with a man's face.
The Fascist, rogue F.B.I., C.I.A. & Secret Service know this is true but they are under
Putin's command too, so they will do nothing about it.


Hey Feds, "Why haven't you incompetent, Fascist assholes arrested Jared for being
a female Russian spy yet?" What are you stupid retards waiting for? Your real boss, Putin
wouldn't like that, would he?

Ivana Trump aka: Ivan was probably beaten to death & thrown down the stairs by Jared Kushner & the Russian KGB & or F.B.I. for being a Russian spy. The Russians take care of their own once their cover has been blown. So then Jared, Ivanka & Donald will be probably be the next ones to die in pre-meditated accidental deaths. Maybe a helicopter, jet or car crash? Only time will tell...



The alleged Sandy Hook shooting, Parkland High School & all the other alleged school shootings never happened & the alleged parents of the Sandy Hook children who allegedly got killed are all lying, piece of shit FEMA crisis actors bankrolled by George Soros! Loud mouth Alex Jones got screwed along with the 2nd Amendment.

The Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 must be re-instated to prevent the piece of shit Communists in the U.S. Government from creating more false-flag attacks in an effort to ban all guns in America.

The Supreme Court of in-Justice illegally overturned
Roe v. Wade to suit their Christian fascist religious beliefs.
Fuck you Supreme Court of in-Justice!

You can blame TRUMP, the Republicans & the Pope too for Roe v. Wade being over-turned!


nasa-lieslogo-orion vaticanshield

N.A.S.A., The Vatican & the Government Sponsored Mass Media are Lying!


Flat Earth Science is protected by U.S. Copyright TXu 2-363-186. Erik ORION shares his life changing theory of our Universe which mathematically/scientifically proves once and for all that ancient mariner explorers were right! Our Earth is not shaped like an inflated ball as N.A.S.A., the Vatican, the Government sponsored mass media & all World Nation Governments falsely claim.


"The Edge of Reality"

Here's a never before seen photo gif of what the ice wall "edge" of our flat Earth looks like. From this remote, top secret Antarctic Vatican/N.A.S.A. observatory you can see the "edge" & Earth's two suns' in the sky. That's why the general public is forbidden by the Vatican & World Governments to go to the Antarctic under any circumstance. Furthermore, research scientists must sign a non-disclosure agreement which forbids them from discussing anything they see there before the U.S. Government grants them permission to visit.

The "square" measuring tool is a Vatican & Freemason religious symbol which represents that our Earth(s) are flat & slanted at 45 degree angles just like the photo of the Arctic icewall edge of Earth with two suns above.


The Vatican & N.A.S.A. are in the model globe & lie selling business.

It's my theory that there are two Planet Earths & they are not shaped like inflated round balls as the Christian Science nonsense or non-science narrative would like you to believe. As a matter of fact, our "two" Earths are shaped like flat pancakes & slanted at 45 degree angles. My two slanted flat earths, two suns, seven moons Theory of our Universe proves that the Theory of Quantum Entanglement is scientifically possible. Vatican & N.A.S.A. your "Day of Reckoning" is here. No more lies!


Famous Rock Bands Know Our Earth(s) Are Flat. Apparently, Flat As A Pancake...



To order a copy of Flat Earth Science visit ORION'S Book Store.

For more information visit: www.FlatEarthScienceTruth.com

N.A.S.A., Movie Producers, Book Publishers & the Mass Media can contact me, Erik ORION at: orionstar123@gmail.com


Dr. Nikola Tesla Knew The Secrets of the Pyramids. Egyptian Pyramids Transmitted Wireless Electricity Created by Large Nile River Water Wheel Electric Generators!


It's my copyright protected theory that Egyptian Pyramids were power plants built to transmit wirelessly electricity created by large River Nile water wheel electric generators just like Dr. Nikola Tesla envisioned. They were not tombs for the Pharaohs. You can read all about it in my amazing book; Tesla Pyramid Power Plants© available at: www.teslapyramidpowerplants.com




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Communist LGBT Politicians Exposed!

communist cover

Erik ORION exposes Communist LGBT politicians.

Erik ORION'S amazing book:

Flat Earth Science

Erik ORION shares his life changing theory of our Universe which mathematically / scientifically proves once and for all that ancient mariner explorers were right! Our Earth is not shaped like an inflated ball as N.A.S.A. and the Vatican falsely claim.


“The Bush Connection is an amazing book. Once I started reading it I couldn't put it down..."

— John Robinson

“I wasn't able to sleep at all. When I finished the book all I could think about is how much the U.S. Government
is lying about WWII History....“

— William C. Avery


I, Erik Berman aka: Erik ORION am a 57 year old successful author with five copyright protected books to my credit; The Bush Connection, The Pyramids of Oak Island, Flight 19 Sabotage, Tesla Pyramid Power Plants & Flat Earth Science. I'm also an inventor with a U.S. Patent #5,078,640 for a medical device; stuffed animal crutch pads. In 1990, I graduated from Stockton State University in Pomona, NJ with a B.A. in Marketing. I am currently working as a real estate broker in Florida.

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